January 13, 2021

Team Building Activities in Milton Keynes

7 Team Building Tips for 2021

With the country gripped by a pandemic, Team Building Activities in Milton Keynes might seem a strange topic for a blog. However, the principles of team building activities still apply whether the events are held remotely or physically.

Since the start of the COVID crisis, employee health and well-being has been pushed to the forefront of business thinking. So, here are seven sure-fire ways to make sure your Team Building activity goes with a swing, whether it’s physical or online.So how do you plan an event or exercise that’s not only effective at encouraging your people to work better together, but enjoyable for them, too?

Here are seven tips to help you make your next team-building endeavour successful:

1. Goals and strategy

First, be clear about what you want your Team Building Activity to achieve. ‘Giving everyone a good time’ isn’t enough. Try and be specific. That will give you a better chance of developing the strategy to achieving your goals.

2. Schedule the Team Building Activity in Milton Keynes during work hours

Your employees may love working for you, but nobody wants to put in extra time on evenings or weekends to attend a mandatory work event. If you possibly can, schedule the activity during the workday – even an hour or two on a Friday is better than spending the weekend at the office. If you must, host the activity over lunch or breakfast, but be sure to provide food!

3. Aim for collaboration, not competition

Remember, we’re talking here about ‘Team Building Activities’. Your event shouldn’t be designed as a showcase for the cleverest or the fittest member of your team. If there’s too much focus on winning, then what will that do either for team bonding or for the self-esteem of those who don’t take the top prize? Far better to choose an activity that encourages your staff to work together to solve a problem.

At Climb Quest, we can devise activities which are definitely team orientated.

4. Make your Team Building Activity inclusive

You may well have team members who love sport and would relish the prospect of running a relay race or playing a vigorous game of badminton. But remember to consider every member of your team. After all, they’re individuals and deserve to be treated as such. Think about the abilities, likes and dislikes of each team member. Make sure you choose an activity that’s appropriate for everyone. The beauty of Climb Quest is that there are activities that can be designed to suit all types.

5. Go offsite

Clearly, it’s not relevant during a pandemic, but, under normal circumstances, try and take your people offsite. Sometimes, just getting outside of the four walls of an office helps people interact with one another more freely. Even if you’re doing a team-building session that could take place in your company boardroom, book a meeting space offsite anyway to give the impression that this is not “regular” work.

6. Set clear expectations

Purpose is everything. Your people need to know about the goals of your Team Building Activity. Are you trying to develop a new company mission statement? Are you hoping to come up with more efficient processes, or is the activity intended to be a part of your onboarding process for new employees?

7. Ask for feedback

Within a day or two of your event, make sure you thank all participants for their involvement and ask them for constructive feedback. This will not only make them feel included but can also be handy as you plan your next Team Building Activity.Dedicated to fun … and safety.

Our mission is to provide fun and entertainment for children and adults of all ages. A couple of hours at Climb Quest will form an essential part of your team building strategy.Get in touch today –Call – 01908 348 900Email usWe’d love to hear from you!

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